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You.  Me.  A few other badasses & 51 minutes.  Magic will happen!


I ask you, who among us does not know the power of sharing; 

has not yet experienced the gift of being heard?

Bearing witness changes things.



Are you?  


Can we talk?  I prefer unscripted convos that go straight to heart of the matter.


Have you ever felt like giving up?  What happened?


Why are you still here? Doped on hope defying all the challenges that dared you to throw the towel in?  


Radical is you, standing in the space of anything that has disappointed or hurt you and daring to hope - A-G-A-I-N - ANYWAY!   Would you tell me more?


I invite YOU to sit a spell for a soulful convo during my artist-in-residence at DOING/LIVING Gallery and/or for my podcast.  


Let me canonize the reflections of your resilience.  Because you have lived to tell the story AND together, I believe we can transform the culture of hopelessness; the epidemic of our times.

How do we make pain holy?


A conversation with Neycha and a shortlist of 7 creators,

trailblazers and rebel-raisers.


October 11, 2017



218 W. 57th Street

Engaged as a sacred practice, artful conversation 

can indeed make of madness something magical to be cherished.

about neycha

K. Neycha Herford is an artist, crossfader and instigator of personal revolutions with 18+ years of unique experience developing progressive platforms that encourage self-inquiry, facilitate personal transformation, and inspire radical change.  Her multi-disciplinary background as a performer & recording artist, author, celebrity lifestyle expert, speaker and new media journalist provides a rich backdrop from which Neycha draws to provide the soundtrack to and catalyst for inspired, "naked" living.

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