xFADE 360™, break out sessions //
Get off the grid. Shift your muthafreakinʼ thinking. Remix Your Life. Turn Up The Volume.
Based on The Crossfade Method™, xFADE 360 sessions are transformative and provocative convos offered to help you empower yourself and revolutionize your life one hour at a time.
Consistent with depth psychology, eastern philosophy and leading studies in the fields of metaphysics and quantum physics, sessions are soulful, symbolic, intuitive, cognitive and improvised. They are also in your face! No time to waste.
My clients are those who want to be their personal best; not limited by the past, what others think or self-defeating behaviors. They all share a common desire to remix their entire lives and step into their authentic power.
Isnʼ’t it time you loved your life?
Click here to #CrossfadeNow!

xFADE 360™ sessions
high-voltage transformation experiences that encourage authentic self-definition and inspires radically remixed lives!