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rebirth your badass

Next Group June 2018

Virtual VIP Badass Incubator

Are you next?


Let’s be clear.  

To answer the call

to be our whole and extraordinary

badass selves is a choice.

What are you choosing?  


Isn’t it time for you to love your life?   Feel the deliciousness of exhilaration every time you pause to consider who you are being in the world.  Who are you being, really?  Authentic?  Fearless?  In Truth?  On Purpose?


k. Neycha Herford, called "a new American badass" by Time Out New York  has been midwifing badassery for more than 19 years, helping celebrities, creatives, entrepreneurs, 9to5'ers and everyday people to step into their authentic power.  Read their testimonials.

Neycha's exclusive badass incubator™ is based on a culmination of what she has learned from working with thousands of clients and assimilated into Rebel Neycha | Rebel You: [re]birth your badass.  


This high-voltage transformational experience, borrowed from her celebrated solo bootcamp, The Crossfade™,  is a 12-week VIP radical reinvention incubator curated specifically for a small select group of up to 6 vetted women who are ready to call on and honor their inner rebels, remix the bullshit and upgrade their entire lives. 

Are you next?  Click here to book a free exploratory session with Neycha now.

What is your courage IQ?

When was the last time you took a genuine risk -

- the risk of appearing foolish, being hurt, or wrong?

When did you last tell the whole truth?  To yourself even?

How long since you walked away from someone or some thing

that required you to trust your gut?

When was the last time you took action on your intuition without second-guessing yourself?

When was the last time you bet on yourself, your dreams against all the odds?

When was the last time you walked off the beaten path?

Rocking Change

The moment any of us takes that bold step beyond being arrested by our fears, is the exact time in which we begin the sacred journey toward becoming our whole badass selves.


While we don’t always feel up to acting on the changes we know are required of us in order to be our whole brilliant badass selves, we always know what those changes are.  They tug at us everyday - from inside dreaded jobs; emotionally bankrupt relationships; stifled creativity; the hand-me-down lives too many settle for living.

Who were you born to be?

What the fuck are you really here for?

I mean, how are you spending your life?  Your one precious life?


What is standing in between who/where you are now

and the life you really want to be living?


You know the answers!


to help you realize and muthafreakin' live them. 

The answers to your boldest, badass and epic life!


I’m not interested in how well you can mimic what everyone else is doing.

I care deeply about how fiercely you can be your divine self,

with the volume turned way the fuck up!

Is fear ever a valid reason to settle?

Your Purpose

If you are ready to evict fear and kick into high gear, this experience is for you.

Click here now

to schedule a free session.

I invite YOU, NOW, to come forth and birth your brilliance!  For your very being possesses that  which NO ONE else can gift to the world but you!  

AND THIS, I can not only help you with, I can HELP YOU KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK!  Because it’s one of the things I WAS BORN TO DO - instigate personal revolutions from within.


Midwifing badassery, shifting entire mental paradigms, 

retuning personal situations to the harmony of meaning, 

that's my ‘ish!

Just ask any of my former clients.



Badass Clients
Tabby Biddle

Tabby Biddle

Cathleen Trigg-Jones

Cathleen Trigg-Jones

Paula Edgar

Paula Edgar

Myra Howard

Myra Howard

Yvonna Kopacz-Wright

Yvonna Kopacz-Wright

Sherry Zakhary

Sherry Zakhary

Susan Seigel

Susan Seigel

Of all the things I can point to having helped clients achieve over the past 19+ years in private practice, nothing comes close to the utter satisfaction of witnessing the moment when someone decides to be themselves wholly, without apology or regard for social conformity, the past or perceived limitations.  

I call this process crossfading™, because I strongly believe when we remix our minds, we remix our lives.  Learn more here about my solo bootcamp based on this methodology, The Crossfade™, that's been birthing badasses since 2013.

Now, for the first time, I’ve been divinely lead to open and refashion my signature solo experience into a 12-week incubator for an intimate group of up to 6 women.

VIP exclusive.


Are you next?


Click here now to be invited to crossfade.

Get Invited

your life,

your choice.

Enter the remix zone,

with your greatest wishes, fears, longings, problems and leave ...

• more fearless

• more free

• more courageous

• more confident

• more badass

• more YOU!


Read what former clients had to say.

Serving as our backdrop,

will be my 19+ years of expertise working with celebrities, 

visionaries, influencers, trailblazers, creatives,

9-to-5ers and everyday people



The juice of music and poetry,

eastern philosophy,

sacred texts and holy practices, 


soulful exploration

and guided radical inquiry.




Special surprise guest experts and bonafide badasses

for ballsy, unscripted Q&A's that inspire,

curated specifically for you!


A powerful sisterhood

with whom you can commune, build,

share, witness, encourage and hold accountable

to birthing badassery.

The Experience
The Details

The details:

Duration / 12 weeks

Begins / January 2018

What's Included

included monthly (3 months):



90-minute Guided group empowerment calls

($1125 value)


45 minute 1-1 personal insight call with neycha

($450 value)


30 minute Peer-to-peer calls


Weekly Meditation, Guided journal workbook entry and/or other exercise

($250 value)



Special guest Q&A

($450 value)


$599 per month

for 3 months



One full payment of $1500

if paid by January 12, 2018

(Financing available through paypal for any amount over $99)


Click here asap to book your complimentary session now

and get invited to be 1 of the women invited to 

rebirth your badass!

This is an exclusive opportunity.


Registration deadline Friday, January 15th.

Registration Deposit = $199

Book Now
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